U-prep Test Prep PRESENTS

Your Score


If you want us to score your practice test and give you details about what to work on, just click below!

Download your FREE ACT Practice Test!

Download it here!

Take the practice test on your own time.  Print out the test and the answer sheet.

Use this answer sheet to record your answers--click here!

Email your answer sheet (all 3 pages) to 

[email protected]

We will score the test for you and email you a detailed report on what skills and content to work on.


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Mrs. Aimee helped me understand what skills I was missing on the ACT and focus on those skills for my practice.  I knew that I didn't understand some of the concepts on the ACT, especially ACT English, and she told me exactly what to work on.  It worked!  I increased my score on the ACT!

Brady W.

From this score report, you’ll be able to

See what areas to work on

Your score report will give you details about how you scored for each category, what skills you need to work on for each test, and your scores for each test.

create a study plan

You can use the information from your score report to create your own study plan.

get to practicing

Once you have a plan, then you can begin your test prep journey!  Gather all of your resources, and get to it!

Did you know that practicing your weak areas for about 20-30 minutes a day for 1-month could increase your score by 2 points?

You need to know what to practice though, and that's where your score report comes in handy!

Aimee Urdiales

U-prep Test Prep Founer & Owner

ACT-Certified Instructor

I have worked as an educator for almost 30 years and know what works for students and what doesn’t when it comes to test prep. I have been dedicated to working with students and schools in creating successful test prep programs for ACT, SAT, and PSAT,, and now, I want to bring that knowledge to you.

As an ACT-certified instructor, I know the ins and outs of the ACT and can give you the inside tips that ACT taught me. And after receiving two masters degrees and an EdD in Curriculum & Instruction, I know what skills, content, and strategies work for students.

Let my expertise work for you!

Start your test prep journey with the right path!